
A complete subscription platform for magazines. Sensible pricing.

Plans start at $0 and only scale with your magazine’s growth.

Free trial


Nothing to see here

All features.
Up to 20 new subscriptions.

Get to know Subsail. Start selling subscriptions today.




+ 5% sales fee

All features.
Unlimited subscriptions.

For smaller magazines who still need killer subscriptions.

Most popular



+ 1% sales fee

All features.
Unlimited subscriptions.

The default plan. Better value for magazines with higher sales volumes.

You can choose to pay in USD, GBP, EUR and AUD.

Sign up for free ⟶

Start on the free trial, no credit card required.

All plans have all the features.

Sell renewing (or non-renewing) subscriptions on your publishing schedule.
Customisable checkout layout and flow.
Sell in USD, EUR, GBP, AUD, CAD and HKD.
Promo and discount codes.
Powerful subscription and subscriber filtering.
Subscriber segmentation.
Passwordless accounts for subscribers so they can update details and view subscription status.
CSV imports and free migration assistance.
Customisable email templates for notification emails.
Helpful automated (and customisable) renewal reminder emails.
Automatic order imports from Big Cartel, Shopify, Woocommerce, and PayPal.
Sync subscribers to Mailchimp.
Automated export to Newsstand.
CSV formats for Heftwerk, ShipStation, Newsstand and Shippo.
View all of Subsail’s features

Pricing and billing FAQs

Can I try Subsail before paying?

Yes! You can use the full Subsail product completely free until you hit 20 new subscriptions. This allows you to try Subsail with zero time or feature restrictions.

How does the sales fee work?

At the end of each billing period, a percentage of your sales total for the previous billing period will be added to your invoice and collected along with your monthly payment. For example, if you sold $1,000 of subscriptions and are on the Regular plan, your invoice would be $49 + $10, so $59.

How does billing work?

Subsail uses Paddle for internal account billing. You can sign up to a plan from the Billing page in your Subsail account. You can pay for your plan using a card or PayPal. Please note: receipts will be sent from Paddle.

Can I import my old subscriptions for free?

Yes! As long as you sold them before signing up to Subsail, all of your old and current subscriptions can be imported totally free. They will never be included in the monthly sales fee.

How can I update my payment information?

You can easily change your payment information on your Billing page within your Subsail account.

Will I be charged VAT?

Under international tax law you may be charged VAT based on your business status and location. When you pay for a plan, you will have the option to input your business tax number.